Posted by : Dr. Keyur Patel Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Tesla coil is one of Nikola Tesla's most famous inventions.

The Tesla Coil is used to produce fantastic high voltage long sparking displays.

Material required: High voltage power supply found in electric mosquito killer, PVC pipe, copper wire for secondary coil, aluminum foil for toroid, speaker wires for primary coil, plastic Box, Battery Socket, etc.
High voltage power supply: Found in electric mosquito killer.
Toroid:The toroid is the point at which the stepped up voltage will discharge from the Tesla Coil.Toroid consist of Circular, smooth metallic object covered with aluminum foil.

Wind the Secondary and primary coil: Slowly and carefully begin to wrap the coil 500 – 2000 turns on PVC pipe, making sure that you don't overlap wires or have spaces. End of the wire is cleaned with send paper. One of the end is connected to toroid and stick it on the top of PVC pipe. For primary coil wrap 3-5 turns on second end of PVC pipe.   

Spark gap:Pair of bolts and nuts or simple copper wire
  The spark gap can be adjusted to achieve different results.Making the gap bigger leads to fewer pulses but leads to the most powerful discharges out of the top load. This is best when trying to achieve the largest arc to ground. Making the gap smaller leads to faster, but less powerful pulses.

Video:How to make a small Tesla Coil
Part -1  and  part - 2

Different Models:


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